
The Centre will aim to promote positive relationships with and between:

  • Children
  • Families
  • Community Service Professionals
  • Professionals, parents and families
  • Families and other families
  • Management, parents and professionals
  • The centre and relevant community agencies and organisations
  • Children and the broader community

The Quality Relationships will support the children to:

  • Feel a sense of belonging
  • See themselves as valued, unique and powerful human beings
  • Engage in respectful and engaging relationships
  • Appreciate and understand the effects of communication, collaboration and working together as a means of generating new ideas, being creative and thoughtful and solving problems.

These relationships will be life enhancing for every child.

The staff will:

  • Be committed to the on-going implementation of the National Quality agenda, National quality framework and the National Quality standards.
  • Be committed to equity and believing in all children’s capabilities to succeed, regardless of diverse circumstances and abilities.
  • Create a welcoming environment where all children and families are respected, represented and actively encouraged to collaborate with educators about curriculum decisions in order to ensure that learning experiences are meaningful.

Educators will:

  • Embrace the Early Years Learning Framework for the opportunities it offers to children and their families.
  • Recognise that diversity contributes to the richness of our society and provides a valid evidence base about ways of knowing, including promoting a greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being.
  • Respect and work with each child’s unique qualities and abilities.
  • Be responsive to all children’s strengths, abilities and interests by valuing and building on children’s strengths, skills and knowledge to ensure their motivation and engagement in learning.
  • Promote children’s learning through worthwhile and challenging experiences and interactions that foster high level thinking skills.

Belonging, Being and Becoming – The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia; DEEWR, 2009.
Guide to the national Quality Standard 2011.